
Here’s What Readers Have To Say:

Lexy J.

Wow. This is the best thing I have come across on my healing journey. I can’t thank you enough for sharing this! This is exactly what I have been searching for. I am printing this and will keep it close to read and practice so that I can continue to do the work and heal.

Michelle M.

Your writing may have just saved a meaningful relationship in my life…. “Thank you” doesn’t feel like enough. But I’ll say it anyway. Thank you for processing your thoughts and sharing this vulnerably with us. It is more relatable than I can begin to say.

Jenn L.

This was a magnificent gift for alot of avoidants here, I believe, at least it was for me. Thank you for articulating this.

Mars A.

Amazing. These writings you post are so valuable to people in similar places.

It’ feels therapeutic to even read.

Pascale D.

Reading this made unconscious truth become conscious.

Leanne F.

Holy smokes you have hit the nail on the head beautifully

Caitlin I.

Wow…I feel like I’ve just had a revelation. Thank you.

Natassa A.

Thank you.  When I see one of your posts, I start reading slowly, I am nervous, tense, scared and as I go on reading, I get emotional. This post particularly answers crucial questions of mine. I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to share with us the knowledge you have acquired.

Kathryn A.

Thank you for this post. It is exactly what I have been looking for and not been able to find in such a clear and concise manner.

Sharie A.

This hit me where it hurts in a beautiful way. Thank you!!!

Prarthana A.

So much truth!

Pascale D.

Reading this made unconscious truth become conscious.

Leanne F.

Holy smokes you have hit the nail on the head beautifully

Caitlin I.

Wow…I feel like I’ve just had a revelation. Thank you.

Michaella N.

Wow. Blown away at how beautifully this is written..

Kaylee W.

Really beautiful and insightful. I related to this so much! Thank you for sharing 

Tequana F.

You just jumped in my head. Sat at the window of my eye and told a story about me with trying.

Mars A.


These writings you post are so valuable to people in similar places.

It’ feels therapeutic to even read.

Have you ever thought of doing a book ?

I can see it being a great one.

Amanda A.

Your posts always bring me to tears because you articulate my inner world in a way I can’t yet. Thanks please keep it up

Chloe L.

I’m crying now. This was beautifully written and definitely reminded me of myself. Thank you for sharing.

Christina S.

I can identify with that in so many ways. Your post ultimately provided clarity in my own processing. Thank you!

Matthew O.

Man that was beautiful!! I wish my wife could come to this conclusion. That is an inspiration to anyone and everyone struggling with something they may have no idea about or are too closed up to recognize. Good for you brother !!

Lisa M.

I was moved to tears reading this because I felt seen and not alone in your description. … I’m in the thick of it and hearing your story has helped me see more that I am not fundamentally flawed

Kerri H.

I can relate to every word. Thank you so much for writing it.

Nicole S.

Might be the best story and advice I’ve ever read and related to. Thank you for sharing 

Gretchen M.

Thank you for sharing. It’s so great to hear success stories with avoidant attachment. It’s so hard to fight against deeply seeded feelings from childhood wounds from our parents… wounds from parenting that we sometimes can’t even specifically remember bc it was so early in our life.

Bonnie G.

You give me hope!!

Christine K.

I appreciate you sharing this. Your words are always so thoughtful.

From Ambivalence To Commitment:

An Email Course About Building A Life Of Purpose

  • Avoidants commonly experience chronic ambivalence in dating, marriage and other areas of life.
  • Left unaddressed, such ambivalence will hurt our relationships and prevent us from achieving important life goals.
  • This 5-lesson email course will address the root causes of avoidant ambivalence — and help you move beyond ambivalent patterns to greater purpose, clarity and commitment in relationships and in life.

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