Avoidants Must Learn To Share Their Inner World

Every human being has a rich, multi-dimensional inner life — what Dr. Daniel Siegel refers to as the “sea” inside of us – our thoughts and feelings, our memories and reflections, our hopes and wishes, our hurts and disappointments, and the nuanced ways these things shift and emerge throughout our day and our life.   This […]

Why Avoidants Fear Intimacy – And What To Do About It

Avoidants fear intimacy because our early experiences taught us that intimacy comes at a great price.  Our caregivers failed to meet our most basic attachment needs – the need to be emotionally safe, seen, understood, cherished — so consistently that we learned to cut ourselves off from those needs and rely on ourselves instead for […]

How Conversations Help Heal Avoidant Attachment

Many of us are aware of our avoidance but don’t know what to do about it. We ask ourselves: How do we get better? How do we heal? Here’s one answer that was very surprising to me: through conversations. If you’d have told me a few years ago that conversations were crucial to healing avoidance, […]