Helping Avoidants Create Fulfilling Relationships & Happy Marriages

Download My Free Guide
Unavoidant: How To Heal Avoidant Attachment and Create Secure Love

The Product of years of intensive research, this guide offers a clear overview of the steps avoidants must take to change ingrained relationship patterns and find fulfillment in dating, marriage, friendship and relationships of all kinds.

Hi, I’m Francesco Barbera.  

I’ve spent the past 20 years repairing my avoidant patterns and building a rich, happy marriage and family life. 

I created this site to share everything I’ve learned so others can do the same – in less time and with less struggle. 

The mission of this site is to provide clear and effective tools to help avoidants create satisfying relationships and rich, fulfilling lives.

Read More About Me Here

From Ambivalence To Commitment:

An Email Course About Building A Life Of Purpose

  • Avoidants commonly experience chronic ambivalence in dating, marriage and other areas of life.
  • Left unaddressed, such ambivalence will hurt our relationships and prevent us from achieving important life goals.
  • This 5-lesson email course will address the root causes of avoidant ambivalence — and help you move beyond ambivalent patterns to greater purpose, clarity and commitment in relationships and in life.

Enroll in the free email course and get your first lesson today.

You will receive 5 email lessons over the next twenty days